This is an inspiration for me personally and I want to share
it with others. It is a commonly held notion that tech enterpreneurs are usually very young like facebook founder, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg (born May 14,
1984), youtube founder, Chad
Hurley (founded youtube when he was 28 years old) and so many others.
I am just discovering that so many popular techipreneurs(my word?) also made it
big at 30 years or older.
is a list of 10 such people:
1. Michael
Arrington: He is the founder of TechCrunch, a blog that is based on the latest happenings in the technological world. Magazines such as Wired and Forbes have named him as one of the most powerful people on the Internet. He started TechCrunch when he was 35.
Reed Hastings( Netflix CEO): He is the CEO of the popular Netflix and on the board of facebook and several other NGOs. Netflix started as a single rental service and the subsciption idea was added later. He started
Netflix DVD rental when he was 37and first streaming when he was 47.
3. Jan koum( WhatsApp founder):
He is the founder of the instant messenger WhatsApp. The service is free for the first year but subscribers has to pay 0,99$ in the subsequent years. He incorporated WhatsApp on the day of his 33rd birthday.
4. Craig Newmark (customer
service rep & founder for Craiglist): He is the founder of the San Francisco-based international biggest classified website Craigslist. He started craigslist when he was 42.
5. Srivats Sampath: He was the Ex-Founder
and CEO He started McAfee when he was 40 years old. He started another startup in 2011 called Grokr.
Robin Chase: This is a woman who is the founder and CEO of Buzzcar, a peer-to-peer car sharing service. She also co founded and was former CEO of Zipcar, an innovative car sharing service. She also started, a venture combining online carpooling and social networking. She founded Zipcar when she was 42, GoLoco
went she was 47, Buzzcar when she was 52 and Veniam when she was 54.
7. Jeff
Bezos: He is the owner of the greatest online retailer, Amazon. Amazon started out selling just books and now a wide varieties of things. He also purchased the Washington Post this year(2013). Bezos founded in 1994 (when he was 30 years).
Pierre Morad Omidyar: He is the Founder and Chairman of the biggest auction site in the world, eBay Inc. He was also the Founder and CEO of Honolulu Civil Beat. Although he has been working on the eBay idea since he was 28years, he became a billionaire when he was 31 with eBay's 1998 IPO.
Parsons: Better known as Bob Parsons is the founder of Go Daddy group of companies, including domain name registrar, reseller registrar Wild West Domains and Blue Razor Domainsounder of Godaddy. Parsons
founded the Internet domain registrar and Web hosting company, Go Daddy. In 2011 (aged 61 years).
10. Jimmy Wales: He is the co founder of the online non-profit peer reviewed free encyclopedia Wikipedia and the for-profit Wikia web-hosting company. He co founded Wikipedia when he was 35 years old and wikia when he was 38 years old.
It is true that not all of us can become as huge as those mentioned above. But we can strive, no matter how old we are to be much better than we currently are and achieve things we never thought we could achieve.